Many organizations and donor agencies, both local and multi-national, have helped GECHAAN move forward in the process of developing a successful programmatic approach against HIV/AIDS in Taraba State. GECHAAN has established a reliable network of partners creating a win-win solution capable of achieving great results and avoids repetition in programming. CONVERGE WORLDWIDE is the organization that sent the founders to Gembu, Nigeria. Other organizations that have partnered with us are:
If you would like to receive a copy of our USAID Final Evaluation report please fill in your information below:
- AIDS Relief/ CRS AIDS Antiretroviral Therapy
- The UN Global Fund
- Society for Family Health
- Catholic Relief Services
- Abstinence Clearing House
- LACA (Local Action Committee on AIDS)
- TACA (Taraba State AIDS Control Agency)
- NACA (National Agency for the Control of AIDS)
- NYSC (National Youth Services Corp)
- IMPACT LIVES nutrition for malnourished children
- CHARIS – provided HIV/AIDS Antiretroviral Therapy
- CHAN ( Christian Health Association Nigeria)
- CCIH (Christian Connections for International Health
- FHI 360 (Family Health International)